Multipurpose Complex

The Design

A location that is very challenging in Beirut city- Burj Hamoud area. the project is an extension of two parts separated by Beirut River.The main idea is to extend the project from one side to another, floating above the river.

The program consist of a multipurpose complex where the dominant program is a music school, the rest of the project consist of different retail shops and a hotel all of which are combined by a large public area for the public.

The Execution

Showing Plans, Sections, Elevations and some collages showing the mood of the building along with exterior renders.

The Result

Reaching a complex that is incorporated within the landscape, and extending the urban fabric from one side to another. a fully accessible project where people can come in and enjoy every inch of the project without being blocked at any point.

Project Location

  • Beirut, Lebanon "Burj Hamoud"


  • Music School

Year of Design

  • 2013-2014